These research briefs are designed to share study findings with farm owners or managers. Each brief covers a different topic covered by the study and includes resources available to farms.
Research Briefs
1: Project Overview
What is the Thoroughbred Worker Health and Safety Study?
Provides an overview of the study, including its purpose, procedures, and intended goals.
2: Demographics and Benefits
Thoroughbred Farmworker Demographics & Benefits
Provides an overview of the demographic composition of Thoroughbred farmworkers and the benefits provided to them. Data collected from Thoroughbred farm representatives.
3: Worker Injuries (farm data)
Worker Injuries on Thoroughbred Farms: What are we learning from farms?
Provides detailed information about worker injuries experienced on Thoroughbred farms including the most common diagnoses, mechanisms of injury, and body parts affected. Data collected from Thoroughbred farm representatives.
4: Latino Farmworker Demographics and Benefits (worker data)
Latino Thoroughbred Worker Characteristics: What are we learning from workers?
Provides detailed demographic information about Latino Thoroughbred farmworkers and the benefits available to them. Data collected from Latino Thoroughbred farm workers.
5: Worker Injuries (worker data)
Worker Injuries on Thoroughbred Farms: What are we learning from workers?
Provides detailed information about worker injuries experienced on Thoroughbred farms including the most common diagnoses, mechanisms of injury, body parts affected, and the tasks leading to injury. Data collected from Latino Thoroughbred farm workers.
6: Respiratory Symptoms (worker data)
Respiratory Symptoms and Safety: What are we learning from workers
Provides information about Thoroughbred farmworkers’ self-reported respiratory symptoms and the factors that may influence worker exposure to potential respiratory hazards. Data collected from Latino Thoroughbred farmworkers.
7: Language and Communication (worker data)
Latino Thoroughbred Worker Language and Communication: What are we learning from workers?
Provides information about the language abilities of Latino Thoroughbred farmworkers and their communication experiences with their supervisors. Data collected from Latino Thoroughbred farmworkers.
8: Musculoskeletal Discomfort (worker data)
Worker Musculoskeletal Pain and Discomfort: What are we learning from workers?
Provides information about the musculoskeletal discomfort (MSD) among Thoroughbred farmworkers and work factors that may influence risk for developing it. Data collected from Latino Thoroughbred farmworkers.
9: PPE provision (worker and farm data)
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Provision: What are we learning from farms and workers?
Provides information about the personal protective equipment that is provided to Thoroughbred farmworkers. Data collected from Latino Thoroughbred farmworkers and from Thoroughbred farm representatives.
10: Workplace factors and worker injury (worker data)
Workplace practices that are associated with worker injury: What are we learning from workers?
Provides information about Thoroughbred farmworkers’ self-reported injuries and the workplace factors that may influence increased injury among workers. Data collected from Latino Thoroughbred farmworkers.
Want them all?
Complete Research brief packet
This document contains all 10 research briefs in one easy-to-download packet.
If you have any questions about these research briefs, please contact Jess Miller Clouser at [email protected].